Anonymously Famous(TM), a Brand Developed by Mira Tzur, and TruUniverse, are Happy to Announce a Partnership Rolling Out an Influencer Payment Platform with a Luxury Prepaid Card.
NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / May 24, 2024 / Companies that hire and pay influencers often run into logistical problems when it comes to payroll, which can create obstacles for the companies, the influencers, and their clients. Some influencers have to wait up to 30 days to get paid by check, especially if their contract terms states Net 30, but often these terms are set as such because there is no direct streamline platform to distribute these funds. To solve this issue and add a loyalty/reward program, Tru’s prepaid influencer card will be available in three levels: black, silver, and gold, in partnership with A.F. This program will grant the influencer agencies and branded partnerships the power to develop a unique path to improve the payment systems which raises their bottom line.
The author of Anonymously Famous ™️, the book that started the A.F. brand, founder of One Circle Productions & Consulting Group, and Senior Vice President of Tru, Tzur is known for using her talents to empower others in creating success and financial literacy at any stage in life. In her book, subtitled, “A how-to guide for achieving an everlasting career in the world of Commercial Print Lifestyle Modeling,” Tzur highlights her expertise from her experiences as her way to help others successfully roadmap their career goals.
With the book and brand as its backbone, Tru, a next gen fintech company, described by Tzur as “a one-of-a-kind A-to-Z payment solution,” partnered with A.F., which is another parallel, an A-to-Z guide to personal branding. This collaboration is exciting news because it fulfills ongoing needs for both companies’ clients. A.F. is looking forward to expanding with an active apparel line and international podcast.
Tzur’s experience and leadership skills extend beyond personal branding as the founder of One Circle Productions and Consulting Group, a full service production needs, where she acquires, develops, and sets up distribution deals for films, shows, and plays. The next production coming out is “Arugam Bay,” a film about two survivors of war who lost a fellow soldier in battle and convinced the girlfriend of the late friend to go on a surfing journey in hopes to overcome their PTSD. Tzur expresses her gratitude for executively producing and acting in this film and describes it as a privilege since she had the pleasure to work in her home country and Sri Lanka with renowned Israeli stars, an opportunity where she was able to dive into her character while reminiscing of her nostalgic background in the IDF through her peers. The film was written and directed by Marco Carmel and Mor Polanuer, opening this summer in Israel.
Follow: @mira.tzur @anonymouslyfamous2020 & @truuniverseco
- https://millenniummagazine.com/entertainment/ever-wonder-how-todays-anonymously-famous-are-tomorrows-household-names/
- https://celebritynews.com/mira-tzur-empowers-women-to-be-the-best-version-of-themselves/
- https://emonthlynews.com/mira-tzur-exec-producer-actress-in-the-new-film-by-marco-carmel-arugam-bay-a-captivating-story-highlighting-humanity-beyond-war/
Vicky Talbot
VP Media Agency
Originally posted on Yahoo Finance